Posted: December 3, 2009
Is your martial arts school offering the best environment for your students? Or could you improve the surface they practice on? Many schools are using soft polyurethane foam mats, which can lead to twisted ankles and unsure footing.
As you know, having a firm footing and confidence in the mat beneath your feet is essential to doing well in martial arts. The flooring needs to disappear from the mind. The firmness of Interlocking foam mats provides comfort and ease of mind so your students can concentrate on their moves and their opponents.
By using interlocking mats, you insure that the flooring stays in place and does not slide, causing your students to fall or injure themselves moving against the floor’s movement. You can floor the entire room with these interlocking mats, or place them in one area of the room, knowing they’ll stay where they’re put.
Thickness is important in martial arts matting. Using karate mats that are at least an inch thick will protect your students ankles, knees and elbows, and allow them to practice what they’re learning safely and without the distraction of an unsafe surface.
Your primary concern is always your students’ safety and health. With interlocking martial arts mats, cleanup is easy, and you’ll appreciate knowing that your interlocking foam flooring is clean and safe for your students.
Perhaps the most important reason for choosing tatami-style interlocking foam tiles for martial arts schools is that the surface helps your students’ grip, while offering all of the benefits of a foam surface, including thickness, soft surface, and ease of cleaning.
You make many choices for your martial arts school. Choosing interlocking foam floor tiles is one of the best choices you will make in terms of providing your students with a safe, soft yet firm and secure surface to work on. You know all too well how easy it is to slip and fall if the surface is not ideal for practicing martial arts. You understand that martial arts mats are one of the most important investments you will make in your school.
When you choose a solid interlocking foam flooring to support your students, you are protecting their joints, as well as building their bodies and minds with your martial arts training. You’re showing your students, and yourself, that you are a true black belt in that you make the best decisions for the overall health and fitness of your students.